Grad 1981. They were the last graduates of the CANDU High School, in Uranium City. The CANDU high school, open in 1979 and named the “best equipped high school “ in Northern Canada. On December 3rd, 1981 Eldorado Nuclear announced it would close the 30-year old mine and mill on June 30, 1982. Businesses closed and the population left. From a pre-closure population of 2,507 in 1981 to less than 800 in 1983. The CANDU school was closed and abandoned in 1983 with less than one-tenth of the students remaining. In 1982 the grade 10 class created a booklet The history of Uranium City and District – “With the closing of the last operating mine in the area Uranium City faced the imminent danger of becoming a ghost town “. The term “ghost town “ is still being used to describe Uranium City.